Finally! It’s back to work, back to practice, back to football in America. College football teams across the country start fall camp this week. This means our time will be consumed analyzing every move by coaches and players from the first team down the scout team walk-ons.
On this episode of the Husker Doc Talk Podcast presented by the Rimington Trophy, Dr. Rob Zatechka, and Travis Justice discuss several topics as the season gets started.
It used to be that fall camp was a time to impress coaches and earn playing time. Is this still the case? With spring football, summer conditioning, data, analytics, etc.; coaches now have more information than ever on players and what they can and can’t do. But do the numbers always tell the truth?
Don’t forget, Husker Fan Day is Thursday, August 1st at Memorial Stadium for 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. You can have pay to get Scott Frost’s autograph, and he’s only signing for kids.
Travis turned Dr. Rob on to some fantastic content this week. So amazing newspapers should be worried, very worried. I’m talking about The Athletic. The website is running a phenomenal series on conference realignment. One of the stories that got the attention of Husker fans was on the “budding” rivalry with Iowa. Of course, this made Travis very, very happy but got under the skin of a lot of Big Red faithful.
Do yourself a favor subscribe to The Athletic!
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