What does it take to feed an entire football team and make sure every player has the hydration and the fuel to perform at their very best?
We give you the answer on this edition of the Husker Doc Talk Podcast presented by the Rimington Trophy.
It's all about science! This means Dr. Rob Zatechka is geeking out about the conversation we have with Dave Ellis, the Director of Performance Nutrition at the University of Nebraska. Dave was at Nebraska perfecting his craft (and his meals) when Dr. Rob was a player. A lot has changed over time, and a lot hasn't; we are confident you will find our interview with Dave, both educational and entertaining.
Note: This interview was conducted before fall practice started, so keep that in mind as you listen.
Make sure to email your questions to us, doctalksports@gmail.com or you can interact with Dr. Rob on Twitter, @doctalksports.
Thanks to our supporters for making this podcast possible:
The Rimington Trophy
Infusion Brewing Company
Ticket Express
Husker Hounds
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Talk to you next week!